Your search returned 2 results.

Oedipus tyrannus / translated and edited by Luci Berkowitz and Theodore F. Brunner : a new translation. Passages from ancient authors. Religion and psychology: some studies. Criticism

by Berkowitz, Luci [Editor, Translator] | Brunner, Theodore F [Editor, Translator].

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: New York : W. W. Norton & Company, 2005.Availability: Items available for loan: KALYANI MAHAVIDYALAYA LIBRARY [Call number: 882.01 BER] (1).

Oedipus tyrannus / translated and edited by Luci Berkowitz and Theodore F. Brunner : a new translation. Passages from ancient authors. Religion and psychology: some studies. Criticism

by Berkowitz, Luci [Editor, Translator] | Brunner, Theodore F [Editor, Translator].

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: New York : W. W. Norton & Company, 1970.Availability: Items available for loan: KALYANI MAHAVIDYALAYA LIBRARY [Call number: 882.01 BER] (1).
