Your search returned 6 results.

Jane Austen / editede by Harish Trivedi : an anthology of recent criticism

Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Poetry Publisher: Delhi : Pencraft International, 2006.Availability: Items available for loan: KALYANI MAHAVIDYALAYA LIBRARY [Call number: 823.609 TRI] (1).

William Goldinsg's lord of the flies / edited and with an introduction by Harold Bloom

by Bloom, Harold [Editor].

Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Poetry Publisher: New Delhi : Viva Books, 2010.Availability: Items available for loan: KALYANI MAHAVIDYALAYA LIBRARY [Call number: 823.914 BLO] (1).

Jane Austen / P. C. Chakrabarti : a study of her novels

by Chakrabarti, P. C.

Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Poetry Publisher: Calcutta : Sarat Book House, 1992.Availability: Items available for loan: KALYANI MAHAVIDYALAYA LIBRARY [Call number: 823.609 CHA] (1).

Jane Austen / editede by Harold Bloom

by Bloom, Harold [Editor].

Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Poetry Publisher: Philadelphia : Chelsea House Pub., 2003.Availability: Items available for loan: KALYANI MAHAVIDYALAYA LIBRARY [Call number: 823.609 BLO] (1).

Jane Austen / Robert Miles

by MILES, Robert.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: NewDelhi : Atlantic Pub., 2010.Availability: Items available for loan: KALYANI MAHAVIDYALAYA LIBRARY [Call number: 823.7 MIL] (1).

Northanger abbey / Jane Austen; edited by Susan Fraiman

by AUSTEN, Jane.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: New York : W. W. Norton, 2004.Availability: Items available for loan: KALYANI MAHAVIDYALAYA LIBRARY [Call number: 823.7 AUS] (2).